Incision sulfur free finger cots

无硫切口指套|切口手指套|切口无硫手指套 图片0001
无硫切边手指套: 适用于高精度产品制造行业,对产品安全无害。无硫指套在特殊的丁腈橡胶精制方法和清洁下,可以保护有严格要求的产品,特别是对于纯金属行业,如金,银和铜。材料为丁腈,可避免皮肤乳胶过敏,防止指尖的汗渍污染成分,超薄指尖有利于手指灵活操作,避免手指疲劳疲劳和不适,经济适用。产品适用于半导体行业、电子工厂、光电行业、医药、实验室及无尘室,无尘车间等领域工作时佩戴。

米黄无硫切口手指套 产品图片0002

蓝色无硫切口指套 图片0003
- 无粉:适合在百级无尘室及无尘车间生产线
- 切口;指套底部底部边缘被切掉,减少手指疲劳和不适
- 颜色:白色,蓝色or米色等多款可选;
- SGS 认证:无硫,无卤素,无硅优质进口手指套;
- 不含氯、不含硅,防止导致氧化高精密金属部件的污染和产生不当电路;
- 指套表面纹理有防滑效果,具有一定防滑作用;
- 具有一定的耐油性能;
- 这种指套具有防止静电的性能,表面电阻率读数为109 ~ 1011 欧姆/平方
【product features】
No powder: suitable for production line in 100 grade Clean Room and dust-free workshop
Incision; The bottom edge of the fingertip is cut off to reduce finger fatigue and discomfort
Color: white, blue or beige, etc;
SGS certification: sulfur free, halogen-free, silicon-free high-quality imported finger set;
It does not contain chlorine and silicon, so as to prevent the pollution of oxidized high-precision metal parts and improper circuit;
The surface texture of the fingertip has anti-skid effect and has a certain anti-skid effect.
It has certain oil resistance;
深圳市优斯特商贸有限公司产品已通过 IS09001 ISO014001,和美国的 SGS 认证,稳定的质量可以得到保证,我们指套,无硫,无粉,无硅油,无卤素,无粉无尘。可适用于一切高端高要求的制造企业使用。无硫指套产品是我司优势产品,广受顾客好评与信赖。欢迎来电咨询。联系电话:0755-81773990
【About us】
Our products have passed IS09001, iso014001 and SGS certification in the United States. Stable quality can be guaranteed. Our fingertips are sulfur free, powder free, silicone oil free, halogen-free, powder free and dust-free. It can be used in all high-end and demanding manufacturing enterprises. Sulfur free finger products are our superior products, which are widely praised and trusted by customers. Welcome to inquire. Tel: 0755-81773990
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